lördag 15 februari 2025

Vita mördare får empati när rasismen normaliseras.


Det är så många känslor som snurrat runt i mitt huvud efter skolskjutningen på Risbergska i Örebro tidigare i Februari. Så många gånger jag velat sätta mig ned och skriva men så många gånger jag bara känt en sådan ilska, trötthet och frustration att jag bara låtit bli.

Men nu är huvudet klart. Tomt och trött men klart.

När jag fick reda på att det varit en skolskjutning i Örebro så blev jag iskall av rädsla. 
Huvudet fylldes av tankar som:

"Åh gud, är det möjligt?"
"Vad är det som händer i Sverige, vi har inte så mycket vapen att tillgå??"
"Hoppas ingen skadas eller dör! Herregud."

Ju längre timmarna tickade iväg och siffrorna ramlade in med att det fanns skadade, det fanns döda så växte en annan rädsla i mig.

Den att gärningspersonen kunde vara rasifierad eller icke-nordisk. Vara mörkhyad, vara av annan religion, vara... Ja, det som vissa ser som "inte svensk nog."

Och om gärningsmannen var detta, vad skulle det innebära för alla oss rasifierade i Sverige?

Bästa Tänkvärt satte senare samma dag ord på många av tankarna jag hade.
"När ett sådant fruktansvärt brutalt dåd sker är det inte enbart frustration och sorg som uppstår. När det börjar spekuleras på sociala medier om vem gärningsmannen är och hur han ser ut så uppstår det även stor oro för vissa grupper i landet.
🥀 Oro över hur media kommer att skriva om händelsen när gärningsmannen avslöjas då narrativet ofta skiljer sig beroende på gärningsmannens etnicitet.
🥀 Oro över att hela folkgrupper eller religioner kommer att skuldbeläggas då muslimska eller icke-vita gärningsmän ofta leder till generaliseringar om deras bakgrund.
🥀 Oro över ökade hatbrott och trakasserier då liknande händelser har tidigare lett till våld och hot mot specifika grupper.
🥀 Oro över att narrativet påverkar den politiska debatten då vissa politiska aktörer kan använda händelsen för att stärka rasistiska agendor.
🥀 Oro över att offren och deras anhöriga hamnar i skuggan av en politiserad debatt då fokus kan hamna mer på gärningsmannens bakgrund än på de drabbade.
🥀 Oro över att psykisk ohälsa bara lyfts fram selektivt då vita gärningsmän ofta beskrivs som ensamvargar medan icke-vita demoniseras.
🥀 Oro över att extremistgrupper får ny ammunition då högerextrema kan använda dådet för att sprida rasistisk propaganda.
🥀 Oro över att vi fastnar i en upprepande cykel av rasistiska narrativ då samhället riskerar att återigen befästa skadliga stereotyper."
Jag hade all denna oron samtidigt som jag kände den största sorg över alla de som drabbats, de döda och de skadade, deras familjer och alla de som tvingats gömma sig under timmar på skolan.

För det går att ha flera tankar i huvudet samtidigt.

Under de oklara timmarna så satt jag desperat och sökte efter all info jag kunde hitta om gärningspersonen. Jag var så rädd för vad följderna kunde blir för alla oss rasifierade om det skulle vara så att gärningsmannen också var rasifierad. 

Det skulle göras politik av det, skulle bli nya förslag om visitationszoner, om vilka som skulle bedömas vara äkta svenskar. Om vilka som skulle kunna utvisas direkt och vilka som hade rätt till medborgarskap.

Jag letade desperat information för att jag ville vara beredd.

Nu visade sig gärningsmannen var en helt vanlig, kritvit svensk man med en supervanligt svenskt namn.

Och det talas om en ensam galning, en missförstådd ensam man som föll mellan stolarna i Sverige och som samhället borde hjälpt. Det talas om hans autism som en förklaring till dådet (rent jädra skitsnack att ens våga försöka sig på den vinkeln) och hur han drevs av desperation över att hämnas på ett samhälle som svikit honom.

Det är vad som lyfts upp. 

Inte mycket om att han kunde gått in på skolan nästgårds och skjutit omkring sig men valde att åka över halva stan för att skjuta på en skola där merparten är rasifierade.
Inte mycket om att han hördes skrika på en video att "Ni ska ut ur Europa!"
Inte mycket om att en majoritet av hans offer är rasifierade.

Det är inte retoriken som drivs här och jag är så arg för det är en spark i ansiktet på alla oss som levt med rasismens normalisering i Sverige under så många år.

Jag började se det på allvar efter valet 2014 och varje val, varje jävla år sedan dess har varit en steg framåt för rasism och polarisering mellan olika grupper.

Hur gruppen etniska vita svenska ställts mot de som inte "ser ut som svenska", alltså de med annan hudton, de med annan religion och alla de som inte passar in i bilden av svenskhet. Vi rasifierade.

Jag kommer kanske få mycket skit för att jag skriver detta. Genom att dra in hudfärg och etnicitet som grund till den värsta masskjutningen och terrordådet i svensk historia så gör jag politik av en tragisk händelse.
Igen, det går att hålla två tankar i huvudet. Det är en ofattbart tragisk och hemskt händelse och de familjer som förlorat något står med en sorg som aldrig kommer att gå över. Det är vidrigt bortom alla gränser. 

Men ilskan kvarstår i sorgen över att retoriken nu handlar om en ensam vit galning som “utan synligt motiv” gick in och sköt människor på en skola i Örebro.

Retoriken hade varit en helt annan om gärningsmannen varit rasifierad.

För vi ser det nu svart på vitt: Vita mördare får empati, rasifierade mördare blir redskap för att piska upp en hatretorik och polarisering mellan olika grupper i samhället.

Rasismen är så normaliserad i Sverige att ingen riktigt skäms över när bisarra i en sådan retorik är mitt framför näsan på den.

Jag tänker inte säga att det är dags att vi skärper oss för den tiden är förbi. Jag ville inte heller låta hatet och rädslan ta över. Men jag tänker repetera något jag skrev i  en gammal bloggpost från 2014:

"Avslutningsvis vill jag fråga er nu, kära vita människor. När kommer ni att stå vid min sida?
Är det när någon skriker n-ordet efter mig?
Är det när när någon spottar mig i ansiktet och vrålar att jag ska ska åka hem till mitt eget land?
Är det när någon slår mig medvetslös för att jag inte passar in i bilden av en blond och blåögd svensk?
När är det tillräckligt allvarligt för att ni ska bry er?"

Nu har vi haft en masskjutning av en vit svensk man som medvetet gick efter rasifierade, oavsett hur vi vrider och vänder på detta. 

Har rasismen och polariseringen gått tillräckligt långt för att ni ska bry er nu?

torsdag 7 november 2024

Democracy is not something we "have", it is something we DO

So, another election in the US have come and gone. 

No one should be surprised that the election went as it did but of course we had hope, I had hope, that perhaps, it would go the other way.
Now, it did not happend

And my heart is so heavy.....I look at four years of a new downward spiral and brace myself for it's outcome.

Yes, I do not live in the US.

But it would be naive to say that an election in the worlds most powerful and influential country does not affect the rest of the world. It will affect Sweden, Norway, Denmark and the rest of Europe in many ways, from our view on human rights, to how we work against climate change to war efforts.

Personally, I fear an increase in hate, racism, LBTQ+ violence, fewer rights for women and reproduction rights and more war. So much more war. Such a smaller world.
When did we change solidarity and reason for silence and hate?
I keep on asking myself how and why but I know why and the knowledge makes me so numb, and tired and drives me deeper into a flight or fight mode.
"People like what I have to say. They believe in it. They just don't like the word Nazi, that's all." - Storm (The Boys).
To all my friends in the US: hugs, support and I'm here to listen.
To all my friends all over the world who are PoC, LBTQ+ and women, we... just have to do this.

I keep on saying this... That is is ok to be afraid, to cry and to feel that all is lost. That feeling is ok to have. I myself was just a pile in the sofa playing BG3 and dreaming of a world where I did not have to brace myself up for being a woman of color.

But after that, from today and onwards. I will stand up, take a deep breath and continue to fight cause this is not the end.
It feels superhard right now but we need to push on and organize. For ourself and for everyone around us.

As a dear friend and rolemodel said yesterday. "Democracy is not something we "have", it is something we DO"

So let's work to uphold that, build our communities around us, organize and hold eachothers hands during the years to come.

onsdag 1 mars 2023

Sámi and how to be a good ally.

Today, I'm lending this platform to 3 amazing Sámi streamers.

VikingTrash from Norway, Basiliisk från Sweden and NieTheGhoul from Norway.

They have all streamed for years and are speaking regularly about their Sámi heritage and the rights of the Sámi people.

Listen to them here.

Art by Finnish artist Ukko, made for the Sámi national day on the 6th of February

How do you relate to your Sàmi heritage?

VikingTrash: My mother is Sámi, my dad is from West Coast Norway where I am born and raised. My mother is from a Sea Sámi family in the very North of Norway, brought up speaking Northern Sámi and was raised around various sámi traditions. 

So even if I was brought up in the south I have been surrounded by the culture because of my mom and also because I have always visited my family in Finnmark every summer and some winters.

I try not to use "half sámi" when explaining it because I think blood quantum is silly and was once told by a relative that "either you´re sámi or you´re not" which helped me feel more sure about my heritage. I think a lot of indigenous people struggle with the feeling of "not being indigenous enough".

Basiliisk: Me and my mother just recently started exploring our heritage from our Sàmi family, and it started to become an important part of our lives.

My middle name is named after my mum´s grandmother, who funnily enough was a writer and I coincidentally became one as well, so in one way one could say I’m carrying on that heritage.

My grandfather loved (to try) yoiking for me when I was a child, which made me love that kind of music till today, and taught me how to carve and eat dried reindeer, which is also a big favourite of mine till today.

NieTheGhoul: For me, it's not something I often think about as it is just as much a part of my identity that makes up who I am. 

For a long time, my family denied being Sámi due to how the Norwegian government had assimilated the Sámi People into Norwegian culture. My grandfather was born and raised in a goahti and spoke Sámi, but we were not Sámi. 

Sadly he passed away when my father was 15 so I never got to meet him. When I turned 18 I started reclaiming this as a part of my family's narrative and saw all the cultural things that related to the Sámi heritage. Both me and my father are actively trying to reclaim this part of our identity and I still feel a sort of unexplained grief in everything we lost. 

The language being one.

How do you feel being Sàmi is being received in your community?

Basiliisk: Well,one of my mods (moderators on stream) got really interested in my heritage, asking questions to learn more about it and wanting to try Sàmi art for my sake.

My boyfriend has become really interested as well, looked up a lot of information, and even wants to plan something for the national day.

I also got some plans for overlays and such for my streams to show it off even more.

VikingTrash: I don´t think most of my community even knew until maybe a year or two ago. 

That is my fault entirely, I haven´t talked about it a lot until recent years as I took being indigenous for granted. 

It has always been just a normal thing for me, it´s always been in my life and I didn´t consider it sacred until I saw Native American creators highlight how important it is to preserve indigenous traditions, stories and culture. It opened my eyes to the fact that I have a platform I can use to celebrate the culture and also educate. It also made me realize that I should be even prouder of being indigenous and talk about it more, not only because it´s important but because it´s my identity and if people want to get to know me then that´s an essential part. 

When I opened up to my community about it I got a lot of love, and was met with a lot of curiosity and overall positivity. Most didn´t even know Sámi people existed and I´m happy to make sure they know we´re here.

NieTheGhoul: I feel like a lot of people do not know what it is, but they find it very interesting. Most people are very respectful when asking questions as well. 

Most problems arise when I meet someone else from the Nordics because then, and often without meaning to, I can get sort of casual racism. Like trying to crack jokes about reindeer or joiking. Most people are pretty supportive and respectful though!

How would you describe being Sàmi for someone living outside the Nordic?

NieTheGhoul: I honestly would just explain it as being the indigenous people of the Nordic. Like how Native Americans are to the US. 

We have faced a lot of the same struggles (I am lucky to have met indigenous friends from the entire world after I started streaming) and also come with our own culture and customs that are different to the other people in the areas we live in.

Basiliisk: Being Sámi is different for everyone. I do have a lot of family still living in Northern Sweden, where they herd reindeers still today. 

Now they live in modern houses compared to how they lived before;which was more or less Sàmi huts. 

My grandfather used to tell me how they sat there with the fire going in the middle of the hut, where they for example carved reindeer meat.

But it isn’t all nice and relaxing. Sadly, there’s a lot of hate against us, subjected to discrimination by the governments in the Nordic countries, which obviously needs to change.

VikingTrash: I agree, I think being Sámi is different for everyone, and for me probably a bit different since I am not raised in Northern Norway. 

First of all, Sámi people are the indigenous people in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia. We have a rich culture with old traditions and multiple languages. There are Sámi people who have reindeer, there are some who are fishers and many have more regular 9-5 jobs. 

We are very different, but what we have in common is an ancient heritage that goes back thousands of years. 

For me being Sámi means trying to protect, love and cherish our history and culture. I´m trying to be more aware and educate myself. I also finally have my own gákti(traditional dress for sámi people) on top of my Luhkka(It´s like a poncho, handmade by a Sámi woman and gifted by my mother, sister and grandma) and I´m trying to practice some Northern Sámi phrases. 

In my adult years I have also come to appreciate my grandmas cooking even more, I didn´t realize a lot of the food she makes is pretty traditional sámi dishes.

What do you feel can be done more to highlight Sàmi culture?

Basiliisk: We need to showcase the heritage of the Sàmi even more, make it a normal thing without discrimination happening towards our people. Highlight it in even more things; games, movies, stories, news and many other things. We got one step in the right direction with our national day in the Nordic countries, but more needs to be done.

NieTheGhoul: I think it must start in the Nordics. In Norway at least a lot of people are only taught a very old-fashioned and stereotypical view of the Sámi people. Just continuing to educate and to talk about it and get representation and not being sold in as something exotic being that is completely other is important.

VikingTrash: I want Sámi/Sápmi to be included more when people talk about indigenous people, most people don´t even know we exist and I want to do something about that. I love how there is more awerness and support of indigenous people and I´d like for us to also have a seat at the table. 

I overall want people to be better at raising indigenous voices, hear them and value them. 

I´m very happy companies(mostly in the Nordics) are wanting to highlight us on the Sámi National Day, but we need more global exposure overall all year round if people are going to learn about us. 

This is why I cherish and celebrate being Sámi every day now and not just on February 6th. We are indigenous every day, all year round for the rest of our lives and it matters.

VikingTrash, Basiliisk and NieTheGhoul, what are your 3 best pieces of advice for people that want to be a great ally here?

1. Listen to the people you're trying to be an ally to.
2. Do research and do your own (don’t expect marginalized people to do the work for you).
3. Use your privilege and voice to lift up marginalized voices, and don’t speak over or for us.

If you want to learn more about Sámi culture, here are some links!


Sameblod ger regissören nya utmaningar | Fria.Nu (article written by yours truly about the work with Sameblod)

The Sámi flag.

måndag 25 juli 2022

Being a Superwomen or how to carry it all and never be carried

(Please note, I did not, in any way come up with the Superwomen term by myself, that was done already in 1984 by Majorie Hansen Shaevitz who came up with the term "Superwomen Syndrome" to define women who was trying to do it all. This is just my story and take on it.)

Capable is a word many have used to describe me.

Other, very common ones, are a great organizer, work machine (the correct term is workaholic, thank you!), problem solver and fixer.

To sum it up, during the last… ten years, I’ve made myself into just that. A fixer, an organizer and a project leader for basically everything I do.

This is not something I decided on (it’s not like I woke up one day and thought “Ohhh, project leading seems nice, let’s do it”), but rather something that just… happened.

Well, I’ve always had a dream about being a boss so perhaps it was semi-conscious. But since 2012 when I started to relearn my life again, I was in such a sad state. I could barely do basic things like… shopping or even take the local tram by myself.
My ex-husband Svart had to encourage me to do most of the things and accompany me.
But after I got better and better, I felt a need to have control of myself and my life again. I did not want to be a husk of my old self and to feel that my health and life was in the hands of others
I wanted to be in control and I wanted to be able to help others.
Most of all, I wanted to prevent people from getting hurt or to have bad experiences in life.

All of these things turned me onto a path where I became a project leader and a workaholic.

I was a pretty good one. I could juggle a lot of things, keep different projects apart and never drop anything. I managed to get great results, do all the things and dive into new projects and on top of that, have a great homelife and be the fun organizer that always had a plan.

And I felt happy that people appreciated what I did and what I could achieve. I thought that this would prevent me from ever falling into that pit of helplessness and loneliness again.

Oh, how I was wrong .

I did not realize that I had put myself in the position of a Superwomen. 

It is when a woman gets into the habit of being a project leader and falls into the trap of doing everything by herself rather than ask for help.

Illustration made by Dani Pendergast

In my case, it was because 

1) I was very convinced that I would not get any help since I had pretty bad experiences from people around me after my trauma  

2) there were some years when I had to step up and take a big responsible for the household and the economical situation 

3) I already had a pattern of having to be an extra mom for my brothers during my early teenyears and had learned to adapt to not be in the way and to solve my own problems since they took up a lot of space. (Bros, I love you but you were pretty exhausting there.)

This caused me to develop my workaholic pattern (read more here) and to be known as a fixer and a doer in everything.

For me and for many other women, this so-called life of a Superwomen comes with a huge price to pay and often results in burnout and loneliness.

As you might have guessed from my own story above, the Superwoman complex comes from when one strives for a sense of control,but ends up putting other things ahead of one's own well being.

This can be very hard to spot and it took me years!


Well, it’s so easy to be flattered and feel like an accomplished person when you create things that others are enjoying (like organizing events and so on), or being told that you always have things together (being a project leader of a household) or lastly, are the one who can be so creative and come up with great solutions and ideas on the fly (being a fixer and a doer).

The clear downsides of this are:

  • You feel that you always need to be on top, otherwise, you are not good enough.
  • You take on every task and more since you know that you are good at it.
  • You often get left with tasks from others since you are the one “being a fixer.”
  • You very rarely or never get an acknowledgement that you are actually VERY good at the things you do.

A lot of these things are similar to the good girl syndrome that many young girls are put into from childhood, with things like:

  • Always be polite.
  • Never say no.
  • Do not create trouble.
  • Help others all the time.

Being a Superwoman is a straight way to a burnout and instead of being in control, you risk bending over backwards to adjust to what people want or need from you.

Because it is so good to hear those words and feel like you are a strong, capable woman, both in private life and in work life, that it takes a while to realize that you are actually being in zero control.

Read me right here, it is a good thing to be a fixer, a doer and being a project leader for your own life.

But looking at my own story as well as the structures for many other women, this Superwomen thing is when these things start to spill over to the rest of your life and people take advantage of it.

“Well, Anna, you can pull this thing together in a week, right?”

“You are always so good at project leading so we leave this to you!”

“ Strong, independent women.. Love how you can just… organize it all by yourself, it saves so much time and zero help is needed!”.

These expectations and demands are of course without proper credit, payment or acknowledgement which directly affects one's worklife.

The private downside of being a Superwoman is that you can come across as so strong, so damn good of a project leader and fixer that you are not allowed to be vulnerable.
Partners are drawn to you for being a capable woman with a career, goals, ambitions and that you can organize the living shit out of everything.
Many will try to get you to share more duties, to be a team and to be more vulnerable and that can be so good!

If they can live up to this.
However, there is a difference in talking the talk and walking the walk and partners can often be scared to death the first, second or 20th time a Superwoman breaks down under pressure, not having everything together or just being a potato in the sofa.

Because, what people forget about us Superwomen is that we are humans and have the same need for rest, vulnerability and support as everyone else.
When partners and friends are drawn to Superwoman and only feel comfortable with the capable project leader and not the human side of the person… Then it can quickly turn into a very toxic relationship where one part  never is allowed to be weak, have a bad day or even rest.

The result is very often an emotional burnout and being stuck in being an unappreciated fixer at work and a project leader at home that never gets a break. A short advice, if you have friends and partners that can only accept you when you are at your best, cut contact with them.

So, what can be done to support Superwomen in your vicinity?

At work:

  • Do not dump over boring tasks on your female colleagues just cause they are good at it and you (yes, you fellow male colleague) think that they can handle it. Ask them, respect a no and give them credit.
  • Do not give your female colleagues insanely short deadlines for projects with the argument “They are usually good at this and they are a fixer.” Treat their time and competence with respect and at least ask them.
  • Do not guilt them into doing tasks when they’ve said no. Do it yourself and learn to be a fixer.
  • Give women credit for their work. In front of others. All the time. 

At home and with friends:

  • Let your female friends be vulnerable and soft. Let them rest.
  • Ask them how they are doing and do not dump 1000 things on them to solve.
  • Do NOT only value them when they are great and shun them when they have a bad day or are resting. If you are their partner/friend/family, you shall love and value them for all they are.
  • When and if they burn out, do not expect them to get back up in one week. Step up, take care of their things and let them rest.

In short, a women should not have to be perfect in every aspect and have to juggle private life, relations, work and hell and heaven at the same time. 

I have been and still am blessed with great friends that over the years have shown over and over again that it is ok for me to be vulnerable and to not only be in a fixer mode.
But it took a long time to let go and rest in that feeling and it took longer because the pressure of always having to perform was there from so many others.

And to my fellow Superwomens out there: You are great and when you say no, say it again and again. If people around you do not respect it, walk away from them.
(There are a lot of articles around on the internet about the Superwoman syndrome, too many to link here but have search and a read!)

fredag 22 april 2022

Till min vän Tove

Min kära vän Tove Gillbring dog i Tisdags.
Det är fortfarande helt ofattbart att ta in och tanken på att inte Tove finns längre är så smärtsam att den inte går att hantera och den kommer inte göra det på länge än.

Tove var ihop med sin man Anders en legend inom den svenska rollspelsscenen. Med allt arbete från Sveroks medlemstidning Sverox (och Signaler från Sverok) till Westen, Guld och Bly och tidningen Fenix.

Men jag vill berätta om vad Tove betydde för mig.

Tove och jag kände inte varandra så länge om vi räknar i år. Jag tror vi möttes 2017 och det som skulle bli en kort intervju för Fenix om mitt arbete med #Isisnerdfeminism blev till ett samtal som varade i flera timmar.
Det var som att vi alltid känt varandra och jag kände att Tove, det var en person jag kunde anförtro mitt liv, min själv och mitt hjärta till.
Det var en sällsynt känsla för mig efter så många år av misstro av världen, att se in i hennes glada ögon och varma leende och känna att jag hittat hem.

Och vilket hem det blev. Med kramar, samtal och allt i sms, på bokmässan samma år och med en själslig samhörighet som för mig betydde allt. 

Jag flyttade till Stockholm 2018 och med det så bodde jag och Tove plötsligt i samma stad. Hon och Anders visade snabbt bli två av mina närmaste vänner och jag har tappat räkningen på alla kvällar och dagar jag åkte dit för att sitta uppkrupen i deras soffa och diskutera spelkultur och allt mellan himmel och jord.

Jag kände mig ibland som en katt som blev hemskt bortskämd av dem varje gång jag var där, med omtanke, kreativitet, mat och kakor. Tove välkomnade mig alltid med sådan enorm värme och hon trodde på mig, hela vägen, även när jag inte gjorde det.

“Tove, jag vet inte om jag klarar detta.”
“Vännen, jag vet att du gör det. För du är bäst och jag älskar dig.”

“Tove, jag har aldrig gjort detta! Tänk om jag gör det kasst?”
“Vet du, det kommer du inte göra. Du kan allt. Och tror du annat så är det fel. För du är bäst.”

Jag kände att jag kunde göra allt när hon sade det.  Jag växte när hon trodde på mig och jag klarade allt. 

Hennes orubbliga kärlek och tro gjorde mig till en mycket bättre människa.

Hon höll mig uppe när jag föll ned i svarta hål. Hon peppade mig till max och fick mig att fortsätta trots hot, hat och fanskap. Jag kunde prata med Tove om exakt allt och jag visste att hon skulle ge råd, skratta, rasa och alltid alltid vara min vän.

Och som hon inspirerade mig! Tove hade så mycket idéer, så mycket planer och ett sådant jädra driv! Det fanns inget som var omöjligt när hon var i farten och jag älskade att se hur hon och Anders planerade och snickrade på tusen saker ihop.

Tack vare henne skrev jag i Fenix, jag recenserade rollspel (OTÄNKBART!), jag fick driv att organisera saker och blir ännu bättre i allt.
Hon var en sådan virvelvind av kreativitet och pepp att det var omöjligt att inte bli meddragen.
Hur många gånger satt vi båda där och sade “Hoppsan, nu blev det visst nya projekt igen!”
För att vi hade peppat varandra att göra mer och mest.
Och så skrattade vi och det kändes för mig som att världen var vår.

Tove gjorde mig till en mycket bättre människa. Med sitt varma hjärta, sitt mod och sin rättframhet så fick hon mig att kämpa lite till och tro på mig själv.
Med sin outtröttliga skaparglädje fick hon mig att hitta kärlek till vad jag gjorde igen.

Och hon fick mig att se det bästa i människor men också att våga vara arg för mig egen del och rasa för mig själv.

Tove var unik med det hon gav till alla runt omkring sig. En legend för spelsverige, en inspiration och mentor. Samt en älskad och kär vän till mig och så många fler.

Jag kommer sakna henne för alltid och göra mitt bästa för att fortsätta växa på den vägen hon har visat mig. Och hon kommer vara med mig varje steg under resten av mitt liv.